Privacy Policy

CJ Bioscience (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company' or “we”) values your privacy and protection of your personal information. This Privacy Policy explains how the Company collects, stores, uses, shares, transfers, deletes, and processes information collected from or about you (“Personal Information”) by the Company. The Company strictly adheres to the Personal Information Protection Act and other applicable domestic laws related to personal information protection in the operation of the service.

If you have additional questions or require more information about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us.

By using our service, you hereby consent to our Privacy Policy and agree to its terms. Please be aware that if you do not provide us with your Personal Information, certain services may be unavailable to you.

  1. Personal Information We Collect

  2. When you register on our website to utilize the services offered, the Company may ask for your contact information, including but not limited to items such as, name, email address, institution name, role, job title, and country.

  3. Collection of Personal Information

  4. The Company uses collected Personal Information solely for the following purposes, member management, service development/provision and improvement, and creating a safe internet usage environment, including to:

  5. Provision and Delegation of Personal Information to Third Parties

  6. As a principle, the Company does not provide Personal Information externally without the user's consent. However, Personal Information may be provided to third parties in the following cases:

    The Company entrusts the processing of Personal Information to Amazon Web Services (AWS) in order to provide service stability and the latest technology to users. AWS does not have access to the user's Personal Information and does not independently use or share the user's Personal Information under any circumstances.

    Entrusted Company Contents of Entrusted Tasks Personal Information Retention & Usage Period
    Amazon Web Services Inc. Retention of Personal Information Collected During Membership Registration and Service Use Until the time of member withdrawal or the end of the entrusted contract

  7. Disposal of Personal Information

  8. As a principle, the Company promptly destroys user's Personal Information when the user withdraws from our website service or as long as needed for the specific business purpose or purposes for which it was collected. However, if separate consent is obtained from the user for the retention period of Personal Information, or if the law imposes an obligation to keep the information for a certain period, the Personal Information will be securely stored for that period. Whenever possible, we aim to anonymize the information or remove unnecessary identifiers from records that we may need to keep for periods beyond the specified retention period.

    Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Etc.

    Protection of Communications Secrets Act

    The Company destroys Personal Information for which the collection and usage purpose has been achieved, such as upon member withdrawal and the expiration of the personal information retention period consented to by the user, in a way that it cannot be recovered or reproduced.

    Personal Information that is recorded or stored in electronic file format is safely deleted using technical methods to prevent recovery or reproduction, and physical copies, such as printouts, are destroyed by methods like shredding or incineration.

  9. Rights and methods of exercise for users and legal guardians

  10. Measures to ensure the security of Personal Information

    The company is doing its utmost to manage users’ Personal Information securely and is protecting Personal Information beyond the level required by the Personal Information Protection Act.

  11. Information regarding the Personal Information Protection Officer and Manager

  12. Duty to Notify Before Revision

  13. We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will alert you when changes have been made by indicating the date this Privacy Policy last updated as the date the Privacy Policy became effective or as otherwise may be required by law. It is recommended that you periodically revisit this Privacy Policy to learn of any changes.

  14. Transfer of Personal Information across national borders

  15. Please be aware that Personal Information we collect and process may be transferred and maintained outside your state, province, country, or other jurisdiction where the privacy laws may not be as protective as those in your location, including the United States. We have put in place lawful transfer mechanisms and adequate safeguards, in accordance with applicable legal requirements, to protect your Personal Information.